5 Deadly Mistakes People Make When They Conceal Carry

In this guide, we're going to talk about the 5 deadly mistakes people make when they conceal carry.

Why Conceal Carry?

There are simply not enough cops to keep everyone safe. That is an unavoidable truth of life.

As a result, a person's power to defend himself, his family, and his belongings is literally in his or her hands.

Read More About Why Concealed Carry Permits are Skyrocketing!

It's only natural to have a concealed carry permit so that you can carry on a regular basis.

Because you can't always rely on police response, or even that they'll be quick enough to respond to your emergency, the first and best defense against a potential threat is a concealed firearm.

1. Concealed Carry Without a Holster

Lets not forget that a firearm is a deadly weapon which is why i should be treated with outmost care and respect.

Video in the link contains graphic content. Viewer discretion advised!

Watch this video of a man shooting himself when carrying without a concealed carry holster!

Concealed carry without a proper holster is just unsafe and can leave you vulnerable to making other deadly mistakes.  

Not properly protecting the trigger with a proper concealed carry holster can cause accidental discharges that can hurt you or someone else.

To safely conceal carry without a holster most people will make another deadly concealed carry mistake: carrying without a round in the chamber.

Conceal carrying without a holster

As you can see, a deadly pattern is building.  One deadly mistake lead to another which can leave you severely vulnerable and unsafe.

Are You Nervous About Appendix Carry? How To Safely Appendix Carry

Concealed carry holsters provide stability and retention which is required for quick, effective, and safe draw of your weapon.

Responding to a threat quickly and safely can be the different between life and death.  

Concealed Carry Holsters: What You Need to Know Before You Buy

Without proper stability and retention, most will struggle to draw their gun quickly during a stressful situation.

There are many holster options available for concealed carry: OWB, IWB, and more.

The Way You Carry EDC Holsters Matters!

2. Carrying Without a Round in the Chamber

When most people, including the professionals, encounter a self defense situation in the real world, usually there isn't a whole lot of time to react. 

4 Best Concealed Carry Vests 

Most self defense incidents are over within seconds from beginning, which is why carrying a gun with a round in the chamber will give you a better chance of surviving.  

Should you conceal carry with a round in the chamber

During a stressful real world encounter, you mind enters what is often referred to as the fight, flight, or freeze state of mind that creates side effects such as tunnel vision, immobility, and unresponsiveness.

Read more about fight, flight, or freeze!  

This means that during a stressful self defense situation operating your firearm will be made more difficult due to your minds natural reaction to stress that can severely disrupt your ability to think, make decisions, and quickly react to a threat.  

No having a round in the chamber adds another task that you need to perform that can severely delay your ability to quickly react to a threat to protect yourself.

 Need a Good EDC Pocket Knife for Self Defense?

But, even with a round in the chamber slow response to a threat can be overcome with training and proficiency, which can be another deadly mistake. 

3. Not Training to be Proficient

Taking a concealed carry course is what most will do when acquiring their concealed carry permit.  

Training to be proficient when concealed carrying

These courses will typically give you only the minimum training required to obtain a concealed carry permit.  They will not make you proficient while using your firearm with a concealed carry method. 

Most people fail to continuously train using a firearm with a preferred concealed carry method and lack the necessary skills to be proficient when conceal carrying.

5 Most Popular Handguns for Concealed Carry in 2021

It's easy to draw and fire you gun using an OWB holster which is what most people will use to obtain their basic firearms training.

5 Best Ways to Conceal Carry: Ultimate Guide

But, drawing a weapon from a concealed carry position is much more difficult.  

There many concealed carry methods, holster types, and carry positions which must be practiced in order for someone to be proficient when drawing their weapon and be safe!  

Lack of concealed carry training and proficiency leads to another deadly mistake: no carrying on regular basis.

4. Not Carrying on Regular Basis

This is one of the most common and deadly concealed carry mistakes people make. 

Best Ways to Conceal Carry Without a Belt: Concealed Carry Guide

Lack of confidence, not knowing the law, and complacency are few of the many reasons why most people don't conceal carry on regular basis.  

Start building a good habit.  Carry on daily basis and you won't get complacent.

Concealed Carry on State and Federal Parks Know Your Rights   

Encountering a self defense situation and not being able to protect yourself and your family with a concealed carry firearm can leave you and your family vulnerable to injury or death. 

Knowing the laws is your responsibility.  You know not to speed so what's stopping you from knowing concealed carry laws?

Learn about concealed carry laws

There are no excuses when it comes to protecting yourself and your family.  You may only get one chance!

Is it Legal to Conceal Carry on Private Property? 

5. Not Carrying Extra Ammunition

The most ideal pistols for concealed carry will be compact in size. Average compact pistols will typically have a capacity of about 10-12 rounds or less. 

EDC Flashlights Guide: What You Need to Know Before You Buy

If you think this is enough, think again.  A common misconception for conceal carriers is that 1 bullet is all it takes.  

Carry extra ammunition when you conceal carry

This is most likely the result of the Hollywood fiction exaggerating the actual reality and lack of knowledge.

 6 Best EDC Belts for Concealed Carry

Single gunshot rarely stops a threat in real world.  This is simple the work of Hollywood magic.

Pole.Craft OWB/IWB Mag Carrier

Glock OWB/IWB Mag Carriers

A study of police shootings found that the average number of shots fired by police was 8.  Read more.... This number varied from 1-31 rounds fired.  

As you can see, every situation is different which is why you need to be prepared with extra ammo.  

Final Thoughts

In summery, the deadliest mistake people make when they conceal carry are those that can impact your accuracy, response time, and personal safety.  

However, each one o these mistake have a simple antidote outlined in this guide that must be followed so that you can improve your concealed carry skills.

So now lets put it all together: carry your gun in a holster on regular basis with one round in the chamber and extra ammunition, lastly train to be proficient and make every shot count.  

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