Bolt Action Pens: All You Need To Know

Bolt Action Pens

Bolt action pens have proved that in this modern world 'pens are mightier than swords. Why is this true?

Bolt action pens are a 'one pen to rule them all because bolt action pens are versatile, long lasting, durable, and help counter an attack.

For EDC enthusiasts, bolt action pens are an essential part of your EDC bag.

However, you need to know a few things about these pens even before buying any of them.

Bolt Action Pens

This article will share what an EDC action bolt pen is, the history behind these pens, and how to choose the best one.

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What is an EDC Bolt Action Pen?

They are not the usual plastic pens that we know of.

They are built with more substantial materials like brass and titanium, or copper, which help to enhance their durability. 

Bolt action rifle
Bolt Action Pens

These are the materials that make these pens EDC-worthy.

As everyday carriers, you need something that can last longer and strong enough for when you need then to stand tough.

These pens also have a fun fidgeting feature that a standard plastic pen can never replace.

They are typically built with a bolt action feature only found in bolt action rifles which makes them fun and ergonomic to use.  

Bolt action rifles

A Brief History of Bolt Action Pens

So, where did the idea of bolt action pens come from? 

The bolt action pen was derived from the Kubotan weapon discovered by Soke Takayuki Kubota in the 1960s. The Kubotan is said to be the first EDC survival key-chain tool.

The Kubotan weapon is pen-shaped that can be attached to the key. It also features a striker end at the bottom and some finger prongs on the shaft.

This weapon is still used in the Japanese Ninjutsu classes, encouraging using the Kubotan weapon as a strong defense.

The Kubotan thus set the tone for many tactical EDC pens, such as the bolt action pen.

Why are Bolt Action Pens Becoming Popular?

The main reason for its popularity is the versatility that comes with using this pen.

With the bolt action pen, you have a survival tool and writing tool all in one device. Most of these pens have striking points on both sides.

With a bolt pen, you rarely have to worry about the pen not writing or the ink mess that other pens cause, especially if carries in hot weather.

A bolt action pen is built to withstand tough conditions and can be used for years.

There are so many brands of bolt action pens available for EDC lovers.

One can choose a bolt action pen while minding their budget and the budget because they are all available at different prices and designs.

How to Use a Bolt Action Pen in Self Defense

While these pens are essential for writing, having a bolt action pen in your EDC bag can be a safety action -they are lethal weapon weapons such as everyday carry guns.

In places where weapons cannot be allowed, one can still be safe with the bolt action pen near them.

Here's a list of some do's and don'ts of using a bolt action pen:

The Do's:

Always try to position the pen somewhere handy, somewhere that you can reach easily. For example, you cannot be having your defense tool sitting at the far bottom of the EDC backpack.

Also, try to know the functionality of the bolt action pen you want to use.

With EDC tools, we cannot assume that we know how to use a particular EDC tool. 

To see the functionality of the EDC tool in your bag, you need to take a course that will help in mastering how to use them.

One should consider making the double-tap attack on the attacker's soft tissue, such as the eyes or skin.

tactical pen self defense

Double-tap means that one should do multiple strikes on a particular part of the body numerous times.

The method is perfect when the attacker does not have any weapon with them.

The Don'ts:

First, one should never do the same tactical functions that the tactical EDC pens does with a plastic pen.

The bolt action pens are carefully designed for hand-to-hand combat. If one tries to do hand-to-hand combat using a plastic pen, they might end up hurting themselves.

The force used to rapture the skin using a plastic pen can end up hurting the soft tissue in your hand. 

Also, do not use the bolt action pen as your only weapon if you can avoid a physical altercation.

EDC basics suggest that one is allowed to run away and hide in the face of extreme danger.

The bolt action pens, as seen above, are already out there, providing both safety and functionality to their users.

The best thing is that these pens are also available at different prices and designs.

This means that anyone can access them regardless of what they can afford.

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