How To Use a Tactical Flashlight for Self Defense

edc flashlight self defense

Tactical flashlights are built rugged and have features that could be used in emergency self defense life or death situation. 

Tactical Flashlight Features That Are Used for Self Defense 

edc flashlight self defense

Tactical Flashlight Material: Usually Aircraft Grade Aluminum that is rugged long lasting and reliable material.  It's also hard when it impacts skins or bone and can potentially cause serious physical harm.

Strobe Light: A light mode that produces continuous flashes of light that can blind and disorient a potential attacker.  Strobe can also help you signal for help in an emergency situation. 

Bezel: A rugged sharp grooved ring on tactical flashlight head that puncture skin and cause serious physical harm.

Bright Light: Usually designed with high lumens, tactical flashlights can blind potential attacker or help you seen in the dark.   

strobe light edc flashlight self defense

Strobe Light

bezel edc flashlight self defense
EDC Flashlight Bezel

Best Ways to Use a Tactical Flashlight

Identifying Threat: In the middle of night you hear sounds of potential threat of breaking in or burglary, Tactical Flashlight can help us prepare to see better, quickly react and efficiently identify intruder. 

Bezel: A hard sharp component that could be used in self defense as striking tool that can create serious damage to potential attacker. It can puncture skin and break bones. 

Strobe Light: In case of an attack, strobe light flashes can temporarily stun or blind attacker and could help us escape. Also It can be used to signal for help. 

Regular Light Mode: Pointing light at attackers eyes can temporarily blind and could give us time for escape. Pointing light could discourage and make attacker flee.

Tactical Flashlight Base: Its made from strong material and can be used to strike attacker in self defense posture.

edc flashlight self defense

Blind or Stun Attacker 

identifying threat edc flashlight self defense

Identifying Intruder

edc tactical flashlight breaking glass

Bezel Can Protect

In conclusion, Tactical Flashlights are an essential tool in everyday life, you protect yourself in variety of emergency situations.  Always keep one on you it may save your life. 

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